Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Art Difuria

My reaction to Art Difuria was basically sleep. Though Van Hanskirk had valuable information, I had just came from a history class an hour before his presentation. I was not prepared for another art history class. I was first engaged in his presentation when he was talking about his personal life but when he went into detail about his book, he lost my interest.

Ben Fink

Ben Fink was invited to the school as former student. He started at MCA but finished at the University of Memphis as a Graphic Designer. His presentation was mainly about his professional journey as well as personal development.
His presentation included exotic photographs that were very appealing. I was very engaged for the first portion of the presentation but towards the end, he seemed to fizzle out. I think one of the main problems was the structure of the speech. If he would have had a better structure of presentation, it would have been better.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

story Board


The value of recycling and the environment seemed to be stressed in the meeting. I want to express this quality to the viewer. The viewer will watch a plant grow into the rug.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Commercial Outline

set up for narrative

I am dealing with the diversity of people who all enjoy their stay at the hotel. The shots taken will interchange. The audience will constantly go from each character to see what they are doing to get their day started.


Three diverse characters all wake up yawning. The characters all have similar experiences in the room. Views of their activities interchange among the different rooms. They all meet up in the common area where they meet and greet as friends. They all joke and have fun while eating breakfast.
They would go back to the room and play video games. The shot would end with them having fun.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kumi Yamashita

Shadow Art

possible type of camera work

Pitch for film dealing with people as props

I want to explore the idea of situations being different than what they first appear to be. I would like to move a camera through a space. My actors will hold a still position as I move through. This project would allow me to experiment with the technical ability to move smoothly through a space.


I want us as an audience to walk in the shoes of a police officer. The camera will be the eye of the officer. We pass by a man in business suit without a tie on, but have a big smile on his face. We are responding to a call. The neighbors heard strange noises coming from the house. We knock on the door only to realize that it is cracked. We enter the home. We pass through the living room and see dirty clothes tossed on the floor as well as a bottle of liquor concealed by a brown bag. We go down the hallway and pier into the kitchen. There is a man half naked on the floor with legs tied to hands. We look into the hall and there is a child pointing at the backdoor. There are dirty footsteps that stop at the kitchen. Pace of camera increases. We turn back towards the front of the house and see a tie on the floor.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Todd Haynes Superstar

Todd Hayne's Superstar Review

Todd Hayne's Superstar was creative in its effort. I was pleased at how serious the film was even though he used dolls. The voice overs were very effective. The quality of the film wasn't the best, but I sort of expected it, considering the time in was completed.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Review of Maya Deren's Meshes in the Afternoon

Maya Deren's Meshes in the Afternoon really catches my attention. One of the main reason's is because, my group project is similar in concept, as far as the contemplation of suicide and one's alter ego taking control of one's actions. When the sound first started in the film, I was a little taken back because I thought that the clinking sound was meant for the keys. I later realized that it was for dramatic effect. Sometimes I don't enjoy the clinking or thumping sound. I believe that the churning sound is more effective. The parts about the film that I enjoy is the movement of the camera and the camera angles. The cut to objects to direct the viewers attention is effective.
This film is important to my group because of the use of a popping effect, in which objects pop into view. My group and I used this same effect in one of our scenes when Jonathan first encounters the charcoal.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Light Layouts

Shoot Date and Time

Shoot Date
Saturday 03/6/10

Dress Set Date
Friday 03/6/10

Rehearsal Notes

The rehearsal went well. Everyone seemed to have good chemistry and we worked well with each other. The rehearsal made it apparent that the actual shoot will require a lot of cuts and a lot of shots. We further developed the script and revisions may still be an order.

Main Cast


Light Map



ISOLATED (Full Circle)



{Setup} Rundown apartment

A lone figure (Jonathon) sits in the dark slightly bent over, his left palm covering his face.


A gun sits on a table an arms length away from him.


He rises to his feet…


He removes the gun from the table


Standing now, He places the steel of his gun to his head.

FIN: pull the trigger pussy!


He stands in place, trembling a little with a slight sweat on his brow. Eventually, with a huff of frustration, he takes the gun off the side of his face and thrust it to the table.


Mr. Fin is sitting on the floor

Fin: Puss ass mothafucker, I knew you couldn’t pull the trigger.


Jonathon: “Shut Up!”


FIN: You heard that. They coming for you. All these years of running they finally coming for yo black ass. Ha, Ha, Ha(Cynical Laugh)

Unknown Male voice1: Jonathon, Jonathon!


Unknown Voices: (hard to discern) nee..d Help.. ..Wh.en you get better.



{Setup} Cell, basically a blank room now. He wears a straightjacket.

Establishing shot: of Jonathon sitting alone in the room.


At first he does nothing, but soon begins to fidget.


Fin: You look real comfortable over there. Man you should have just ended your life when you had the chance…. But you…. Naw, Naw not you. You ain’t got the balls to do shit do you. You never could finish the job. That’s why your wife left you. Ha, ha, ha (cynical laugh) And I always thought she was a slut anyway. Just saying, she was kinda fucking the neighbor. (Rubs a grin onto his face). Uhh, sad life ain’t it,... I can’t believe you would kill you own flesh and blood over a broad, your own brother.

Jonathon: (Rocks head in uneven motions) I didn’t mean to, I didn’t me to, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to. I thought it was you. I thought it was you.

Fin: There you go, blaming me for shit again. Always quick to blame somebody.

Jonathon gets up and bangs on the door, but no one answers, he stands there a moment.

Jonathon: (Screaming) Let me out, let me out of here. He goes back and sits down against a wall. He stares straight at the ceiling as a doctor comes in the room.

Doctor: Mr. Jonathon. It says here that you’re having issues with hallucination. You are here because we have decided that you are a danger to yourself as well as to others. However, there is a new treatment we would like you to volunteer to test for. The treatment is based on the idea of isolation from all but the least possible amount of stimuli. If you should agree to this new treatment, we assure your stay here shall be significantly reduced. Do you accept?


He gets up and begins to look around the walls. He is looking around at these walls when he hears someone call to him from the other side of the room.


He stops, disoriented, and looks around again. Remembering where he is, he rubs his head in frustration and sits back down. A moment later, he hears what he thinks to be muffled speaking from far off. Realizing it’s coming from somewhere outside the door.


He jumps up and begins banging on the door, calling out

Jonathon: Hey…HEY!

But no one answers the door. He gives up, but not without a few choice words at the door.

Jonathon: Mother fuckers! Fuck man… Fuck


He’s lost in his delusion the walls are dark, barely discernable. The walls are covered in crudely drawn pictures, which depict his past actions and events that preceded his incarceration. Eventually, the world snaps back to reality, but this time he just standing staring out into space, but eventually falls to his knees and begins to cry.



He’s sitting in his room, calm and collected. He’s still a little older. He blinks, and just blankly staring straight ahead. He hears muffled voices from the other side of the door, but he doesn’t get up.

Mr.Fin: so that’s it, all of it gone… everything gone, your wife gone, money gone, kids gone, everything. Fucked it all up. Hard life ain’t it? Did you hear me? YO! I know this mothafucka hear me. YO! This mothafucka is ignoring me, ain’t that some shit. You know your regretting everything you did right? Listen to me when I’m talking to you. God damn it. You know what? Fuck it. Fuck it, fuck you, fuck everything.


Jonathon sits alone in the room, not twitching or even moving around. He only emits a small reaction when the a knock at the door proceeds the entrance of the doctor.


Unknown voice outside the door: Just get him out here!

Door opens

Doctor: Congratulations sir, the treatment was a success. You may be released.


Jonathon sits in the same position as he started in the first scene. He points the gun to his head.


He sits in place, trembling a little with a slight sweat on his brow. Eventually, with a huff of frustration, he pulls the trigger.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Part 2

Tales from the Hood

Tales from the Hood

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Concept pictures



RahLeeCoh J. Ishakarah

Act I:

Exposition - Character is introduced with detective hat and trench coat. The scene is set at the edge of an alley. He looks up at a ledge above him and visualizes the amount of time that it will take for the water to accumulate and get heavy enough to fall. He also contemplates the rate at which it will fall and the distance that the water will disperse across the concrete.

Main Character – Perry Fin (subject to change) is a bi-polar, yet intelligent 40-year-old man that has been in an asylum.

Dramatic Premise – Fin is going through a psychological event, in which his objective is to solve a case. An ominous character has challenged Fin to a game in which Fin has to stop him from making it to the top of a building that has a whole office full of people. The character gives Fin a time limit to stop him from blowing the whole floor up.

Dramatic Situation – Fin is actually connected to a machine within the psych ward. The machine is designed to seek out psychological problems in people’s brains and eliminate them; unfortunately, the machine has been a failure ninety-nine times before. The patients used for the experiments did not survive.

Act II

Obstacles – Fin has to play the criminals games. Fin cannot tell the police about his situation because; the character has threatened Fin’s family.

First Culmination – We flash to the real world and there is a problem with the machine. Fin awakes and breaks free from his braces.

Midpoint – Fin runs around the psyche ward and stumbles into a room full of files on his cases as well as other patients’ cases. He is rumbling through his files and he see’s that he is labeled number one hundred. The story begins to unravel. Someone begins chasing him and he runs frantically through the stark white halls. He turns to see someone chasing him and he flashes back into the dream state.

Fin can see glimpse of the scientist and audio seeps into his ears. Faintly he can hear them say that there is no hope for him and to send him back to his room to be to await his erasure. He had learned too much.


Climax: Fin is in pursuit of the ominous character and the character is very quick and seems to disappear into shadows. Just before the character reaches the top floor of the building, Fin confronts him. The character rises from the shadows and to his surprise; it is Fin’s alternate personality.

In the real world, Fin is struggling for air. He is choking himself in the real world and the alternate reality. The scientist walks into Fin’s room and make sure that he is ok. Fin appears to be sane as he is probed. The scientists are relieved to know that Fin had completed the procedure without the aid of the machine.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Self-Critique on Bartender Short Film

1. Bartender (undecided)

2. The main idea that we started with was based on people being apart of their everyday work areas. We often wear masks at work to please the people that we serve. We each shared our thoughts on the reactions that people have of other people who are being trying. I was interested in the idea of self worth.

Our ideas began to center around the convenience of a location. Angee told us that she had a possible location, which was a bar. Scenes and events often define a part of our personalities. We decided that a bartender would be the main focus while three other customers tried her patience.

3. The source of the idea was a collaborative thought that was built off of Angee’s experience as a bartender. She expressed her frustration with people that want to pure their entire life unto a stranger.

The idea resonates with me because; in my oral communication class there has been a focus on the personalities of people in certain situations. After class, my friends and I discussed what we thought about the impact of situations and events on the personality traits perceived by others.

4. The bartender is supposed to be frustrated with the people that she has to serve that night. These particular customers all have exaggerated stories that describe a phase in their life and through the expressions made by the bartender the audience is meant to see the humor in her facial expressions to describe her apathy in the customer’s problems.

5. On a routine day at the job the bartender serves three customers who all carry heavy baggage and they tell their stories to the exhausted bartender. With each customer’s complaints, she becomes more fed up with each customer as she compares their struggles with her own.

6. At first I imagined more subtle messages from the bartender’s expressions, but as we film I could tell that it was more exciting to watch her exaggerate her expressions just as much as the customer’s stories. Originally I was hoping for the main character to appear more complex just through facial expressions but I soon realized that she would just be viewed as an angry apathetic bartender. This was not a major concern to me by the end of the film because it helped the film as a satire. This was obviously just an ordinary person on another day at work that runs into crazy people all the time. This time she just can’t really deal with it.

7. The strengths of the film persist in our actors as well as the crew. Everyone clicked very soon and we understood the task at hand and went fourth in the most productive fashion as possible. Strengths also was that each crew member was able to contribute an equal amount of energy and mental awareness. The scripts were pretty strong and the actors were able to make improvements to the script in all the right places.

8. The main area that I am concerned with is how the audience with perceived the bartender. Will they be empathetic with her having to serve such crazy people or will they dismiss her struggles and automatically label her before the end of the film.

As everyone in my group I am also afraid of the cuts that will have to be made. The scene when the glasses are being passed back and forth will be a challenge.

9. Even though I was unable to operate the camera because of my absence on instruction, I was still happy with what I learned about. I was able to deal audio and understand how it works in relation to the actors/ actresses and the camera. I was appreciative that everyone showed up at a decent time and that we all worked together.