Wednesday, February 17, 2010



RahLeeCoh J. Ishakarah

Act I:

Exposition - Character is introduced with detective hat and trench coat. The scene is set at the edge of an alley. He looks up at a ledge above him and visualizes the amount of time that it will take for the water to accumulate and get heavy enough to fall. He also contemplates the rate at which it will fall and the distance that the water will disperse across the concrete.

Main Character – Perry Fin (subject to change) is a bi-polar, yet intelligent 40-year-old man that has been in an asylum.

Dramatic Premise – Fin is going through a psychological event, in which his objective is to solve a case. An ominous character has challenged Fin to a game in which Fin has to stop him from making it to the top of a building that has a whole office full of people. The character gives Fin a time limit to stop him from blowing the whole floor up.

Dramatic Situation – Fin is actually connected to a machine within the psych ward. The machine is designed to seek out psychological problems in people’s brains and eliminate them; unfortunately, the machine has been a failure ninety-nine times before. The patients used for the experiments did not survive.

Act II

Obstacles – Fin has to play the criminals games. Fin cannot tell the police about his situation because; the character has threatened Fin’s family.

First Culmination – We flash to the real world and there is a problem with the machine. Fin awakes and breaks free from his braces.

Midpoint – Fin runs around the psyche ward and stumbles into a room full of files on his cases as well as other patients’ cases. He is rumbling through his files and he see’s that he is labeled number one hundred. The story begins to unravel. Someone begins chasing him and he runs frantically through the stark white halls. He turns to see someone chasing him and he flashes back into the dream state.

Fin can see glimpse of the scientist and audio seeps into his ears. Faintly he can hear them say that there is no hope for him and to send him back to his room to be to await his erasure. He had learned too much.


Climax: Fin is in pursuit of the ominous character and the character is very quick and seems to disappear into shadows. Just before the character reaches the top floor of the building, Fin confronts him. The character rises from the shadows and to his surprise; it is Fin’s alternate personality.

In the real world, Fin is struggling for air. He is choking himself in the real world and the alternate reality. The scientist walks into Fin’s room and make sure that he is ok. Fin appears to be sane as he is probed. The scientists are relieved to know that Fin had completed the procedure without the aid of the machine.

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