Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Review of Maya Deren's Meshes in the Afternoon

Maya Deren's Meshes in the Afternoon really catches my attention. One of the main reason's is because, my group project is similar in concept, as far as the contemplation of suicide and one's alter ego taking control of one's actions. When the sound first started in the film, I was a little taken back because I thought that the clinking sound was meant for the keys. I later realized that it was for dramatic effect. Sometimes I don't enjoy the clinking or thumping sound. I believe that the churning sound is more effective. The parts about the film that I enjoy is the movement of the camera and the camera angles. The cut to objects to direct the viewers attention is effective.
This film is important to my group because of the use of a popping effect, in which objects pop into view. My group and I used this same effect in one of our scenes when Jonathan first encounters the charcoal.

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