Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Compiled Research

Below I will list a number of books some, books have scanned pages that provide possible conceptual directions for this year.
Some books will have scanned material below it.
Lucian, Satirist and Artist by Francis G. Allinson, Litt. D. Professor of Greek Literature and History Copyright 1926 The Plimpton Press Norwood, Massachusetts U.S.
-born Syrian-self-made Greek
idea that sparked from this book
The idea that you belong to a culture based on the values or traditions that you abide by or your mere existance or birth in that region or particular culture.

Democracy and the Police
Critical Perspective on Crime and Law by David Alan Sklansky
Stanford University Press 2008

This page talks about the trade off of "democratic values" for the protection of the police. Already there have been events in which police authority or the position of power drives police officers past social ethics.
There is also a website dedicated to police brutality called

Realizing the Impossible
Art Against Authority
Edited by Josh Macphee and Erik Reuland 2007 Second Printing

Artist Influenced by Ararchy

Pablo Picasso

Camille Pissarro

Georges Seurat

Man Ray

Robert Henri

Wassily Kandinsky

Rockwell Kent

Frans Masereel

Mark Rothko

"When reading these essays, his crucial to keep in mind that ararchism is not a singular political program so much as a thorough commitment to substantive equality and the potential for human liberation. "

"Do you want to make a living off art, or do you want to make a life of art?" Cortez K. Carlos

Who Let the Dogs In?

Molly Ivins

Copyright 2004 Molly Irvins

2005 Random House Trade Paperback Edition

Women of the New Right
Rebecca E. Klatch
Copyright 1987 by Temple University

Juvenal The Satires New Translation
by Niall Rudd 1991
Human Genome Project
Cracking the Genetic Code of Life by Thomas F. Lee 1991 Thomas F. Lee